3 Things You Should Do to Recuperate Fast After Sinus Surgery

14 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog


When the pathways of your sinuses get inflamed or become blocked, they cannot drain their content properly, and you are said to have developed a sinus infection called sinusitis. Those who develop severe sinusitis experience laboured breathing, sinus headaches and also congestion. Doctors use antibiotics, nasal sprays, antihistamines and decongestants to alleviate sinusitis symptoms, and they sometimes flush the sinuses when these medications don't seem to help. However, if you have developed chronic sinusitis, these treatments might not be effective, and the doctor might recommend sinus surgery to correct the anatomic abnormalities in your sinus passages. After sinus surgery, here's what you should do to recuperate fast:

Watch What You Do

After sinus surgery, you shouldn't be involved in some activities to avoid interfering with the recovery process. Avoid lying flat, and instead, use about three pillows and sleep on your back the first four weeks after sinus surgery. Most doctors recommend that you stand quite often to stay active and walk a bit every day to boost blood flow. Avoid lifting heavy objects or even bending over. If you have pet food bags, a heavy briefcase, cleaning equipment or pet litter that you need to lift, get someone to help you. Have a warm bath or shower every day, but don't swim for about six weeks. Don't expose yourself to excessive dust, corrosive chemicals or fine sawdust for the first four weeks to avoid developing severe respiratory problems.

Eat Well

You aren't restricted from your usual diet after the surgical procedure as long as it's balanced and healthy. If you have developed some stomach problems, take foods with low-fat content, such as yogurt, bread, boiled chicken or plain rice. You may have some irregular bowel movements a few days after sinus surgery, and that's why you need to follow all the diet instructions the doctor gives. Take a lot of fruits, fresh greens and other vegetables to prevent constipation and boost the healing process. However, avoid fibre supplements if your doctor hasn't recommended you take them. The doctor might prescribe a mild laxative if you don't experience a bowel movement for a while after the surgery.

Stick to the Drugs the Doctor Prescribes

The doctor will prescribe the drugs you should take after sinus surgery and probably explain why you should take them. Avoid over-the-counter drugs or even any other painkiller you have at home if the doctor hasn't recommended them. If you were on blood thinners before you went for sinus surgery, let your doctor know so they can advise whether you should continue using them or if you would have to avoid them for some days. Avoid any aspirin for the first three weeks unless the doctor advises you otherwise. If you take the medication as prescribed, but still experience excess fever, chest pain, increased redness, excess pus draining or bloody cough, contact the doctor immediately for further medical help.

To learn more about sinus surgery, contact a professional.